Book Spotlight: Pack of Freaks by Jennifer Zamboni #urbanfantasy #newrelease #giveaway

¸¸.•*¨*•★NEW RELEASE!! ★•*¨*•.¸

Pack of Freaks is now LIVE! Get your copy for #99cents for a limited time!


Enter to win paperback copies of Beauty Is The Beast and Pack of Freaks, 1 wolf plushie, a purple violin journal, and a music note tapestry.


Being alpha isn’t easy.

Gretchen wants a normal life: working in the salon, making music, and settling in with her new pack. If only her wolf side wouldn’t make decisions without her.

She survived betrayal and the fight for her freedom, so relationship issues and a group of fae-blooded circus freaks in her kitchen should be a breeze. But a plea from another pack and the exposure of the fae, including werewolves, to the human world just might tip the scale on her sanity.

Good thing she has good friends, a man who loves her, and music that soothed the savage beast.

Join Gretchen as she gives in to romance, discovers new truths about old friends, and embraces her role as alpha.

Book Spotlight: The Shadow Rises by K.S. Marsden #urbanfantasy

The Shadow Rises (Witch-Hunter #1)

Author: K.S. Marsden

Genre: Urban Fantasy


Witches are real, and to be blunt, they’re all black-hearted, and evil. These are not wiccans; witches are a different breed that use magic with devastating effect.

Charged with stopping the witches, taking whatever measures necessary, there are witch-hunters, all reporting to the Malleus Maleficarum Council (MMC). For hundreds of years witches have been persecuted and when the powerful Shadow Witch rises again, they have their opportunity for revenge.

The best the MMC has to offer, the talented seventh-generation witch-hunting Hunter Astley has his own part to play. In his own way.




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Kelly S. Marsden grew up in Yorkshire, and there were two constants in her life – books and horses.

Graduating with an equine degree from Aberystwyth University, she has spent most of her life since trying to experience everything the horse world has to offer. She is currently settled into a Nutritionist role for a horse feed company in Doncaster, South Yorkshire.

She writes Fantasy stories part-time. Her first book, The Shadow Rises (Witch-Hunter #1), was published in January 2013, and she now has two successful series under her belt.






The Northern Witch’s Book Blog


Yes, it’s hard to believe that it has been 5 years since my debut was released!

It has always been an ambition of mine, to be a published author, and these last five years have been an absolute dream. (An incredibly steep learning curve, but still a dream).

The Witch-Hunter books continue to draw in new readers and are my best-sellers; and it is still the story that I get most excited about.

What prompted the Witch-Hunter trilogy?

Despite the fact that this series pegs the witch-hunters as our heroes, and follows the famous Hunter Astley; the story actually started with the bad guy.

I used to practise Wicca when I was younger, and I wondered what would happen if you had a bad witch. One that broke all the wiccan rules, and inflicted pain for the fun of it. I decided the witches in my story would be a different breed, distinct from their wiccan cousins, and not restricted by human morals. And my main antagonist had to be the most powerful witch in history, naturally. Magic without limits…

Once I had my bad guys, it seemed almost too easy to create the people that would stop them: the witch-hunters working for the Malleus Maleficarum Council (MMC).

A witch-hunter named Hunter?

Yes, I know it’s cliche. I struggled to come up with a name for my main character. He’s the best the MMC have at their disposal; he comes from a witch-hunting family, and has some ridiculous inborn skills to deal with fighting witches.

So, I used “Hunter” as a placeholder until I found a name that suited him. And it stuck. And he’s enough of a pretentious git to pull it off.

It’s actually a bit of a running joke in the series – Hunter’s real name is George. Sexy, I know.

Fact vs. Fiction?

So… this might be a straight-up fantasy story, but a lot of it is based on real events.

The Malleus Maleficarum was a real book, published in 1487 as the guide for finding and persecuting witches, recommended by Pope Innocent VIII. (There’s a lot of contention surrounding the “authors” and how legitimate the papal bull is, but I won’t go into that here)

This book helped legitimise mass killings, persecutions, and the general witch-craze that swept the world.

Witch-hunters of questionable morals attacked people, regardless of gender or position. The incentive was often money, claiming the possessions of the “witch”, or even to enact a grudge they were holding.

The most common “witch” was female, and if you were a woman with any ounce of independence, intelligence, free-thought, charm…

My Malleus Maleficarum Council is based on the premise that they quickly saw the damage that was being done by the ignorant general public, and immediately started working in secret. The MMC employs real witch-hunters, who track down real witches.

Until our modern-day Hunter Astley.

Why witches?

When I was looking for a new project to start writing, I knew that I wanted to do something in Urban Fantasy.

At the time, I thought the literary world was inundated with vampires and werewolves, and I wanted to steer clear of these popular tropes. I wanted something I could put my own spin on, something that felt like it was mine.

In the end, I nervously started fleshing out a story about witches. I’ve always been fascinated by stories of magic and wicked witches, and I started to put to use all the random facts that I’d gathered.

The fascination with witches actually comes from a long-running family joke that all the women in my family are witches, and that my nanna would turn us into a toad if we misbehaved. Y’know, the usual silly stuff.

It felt weird, taking something that had been a family joke, and turning it into a bunch of books for everyone to read. I’m just grateful that it went down well!

Mrs Astley

Even though Mrs Astley is just a background character – as Hunter’s mother, she does little more than hang around the estate, and has nothing to do with witches – she is the one that leaves the biggest impression.

She is horrible to those around her. She doesn’t intend to insult everyone, she just doesn’t have a filter. She’s very entitled, and thinks that the people around her will benefit from hearing her opinion.

A couple of fun facts about this character:

1) She doesn’t have a first name. Well, she does, it is just never mentioned. Did you notice?

2) Her husband died five years ago (although it was never a happy marriage), but Mrs Astley has been kept company by Charles, the butler. Nothing is ever said outright, but they do play “chess” (amongst some of my friends “playing chess” translates into relations).



Author Interview: Stacey Rourke

Today I’m fortunate to present Stacey Rourke author of over a dozen books spanning various genres.

Hi Stacey, thanks for agreeing to this interview!

Question 1) What part of the world do you come from?

A1MziozdK1L._SY200_Born and raised in Michigan, hence my hatred for the cold. I live where the air sometimes hurts my face.

Question 2) What do you think makes a good story?

Strong character development. I need to feel for the characters, to engage with them to want to accompany them on their journey.  

Question 3) What inspired you to write your first book?

My children. Many literary works still portray women as damsels in distress that need to be rescued by big strong men. For my daughters, I wrote The Conduit, which was the first of many strong female leads I created to empower females of all ages to be the hero of their own story.

Question 4) What is your work schedule like when you’re writing?

I do most of my administrative and marketing tasks in the early part of the day, and tackle writing and editing later in the day when my mind is more awake and able to tap into creativity.  

Question 5) What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?

I act out a lot of the dialogue to myself, playing the part of every character, to make sure it flows and is believable.

Question 6) Give us the title and genre of your latest book.

Veiled, an urban fantasy novel


Question 7) What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your book?

Vampires and politics really work well together. There are so many jokes about blood suckers I could insert here, but it would almost be TOO easy. LOL!

Question 8) Do you have an excerpt from your current work you’d like to share?

51r8Z4QbRCL“Wait!” Finn attempted to plant his feet with all the weak resolve he could muster. “The puppy, we have to get the puppy.”

“Puppy?” I pulled up short, searching his face for signs he was kidding.

“There, in the corner. Little thing won’t make it much longer if he’s left here.” I followed Finn’s nod to a tiny French Bulldog pup cowered in the corner. Covered in his own filth, every rib was clearly visible through his patchy, black hide. Ears pulled back, his slight frame trembled in a combination of fear and starvation. “He used the dog as an hour glass, taunting me with the promise of a meal if I could just get off the table. He gave the dog water but no food and told me when his time ran out, so would mine.”

“That’s the heartbeat I heard.” Helping Finn lean against the wall, I retrieved the frightened pooch. After letting him sniff my hand, I unhooked the chain wrapped around his neck and carefully folded him into my arms. Pointed ears perking, he thanked me with a feeble lick to the point of my chin. “You slaughtered my entire family, but your soft side comes out for a puppy?”

Giving me a minute to tuck the pup under one arm, Finn eased his weight back onto my shoulders. “No, I’m still starving. I was hoping you would cut the little guy’s throat and let me drink him.”

“I’m not feeding you a dog!” I yelped, tone dripping with disgust. “Ugh … thank you for reminding me why I loathe you.”

“If you loathe me, why did you save me?” Finn asked—his tone not one of accusation, but genuine curiosity.

Shuffling through the shadows of the basement, I tipped my face to the light beaming down from above. “Because, no one gets to kill you but me.”

Question 9) What can we expect from you in the future?

The Veiled Series will continue, as will the other collections I’m working on including The TS901 Chronicles, The Gryphon Series Resurrection, and The Unfortunate Soul Chronicles.  

Question 10) What was the best money you ever spent as a writer? 

Each time I travel to book events. The opportunity to meet new authors and readers is always an invaluable experience!

Question 11) How can we contact you or find out more about your books?,,
Twitter and Instagram @rourkewrites


Book Spotlight: The Gatekeeper’s Sons by @evapohler #tuesdaybookblog

bookonenew-1080x1614Book description of The Gatekeeper’s Sons:

Fifteen-year-old Therese watches her parents die. While in a coma, she meets the twin sons of Hades—Hypnos (the god of sleep) and Thanatos (the god of death). She thinks she’s manipulating a dream, not kissing the god of death and totally rocking his world.

Than makes a deal with Hades and goes as a mortal to the Upperworld to try and win Therese’s heart, but not all the gods are happy. Some give her gifts. Others try to kill her.

The deal requires Therese to avenge the death of her parents. With the help of Than’s fierce and exotic sisters, the Furies, she finds herself in an arena face to face with the murderer, and only one will survive.

Purchase Link to The Gatekeeper’s Sons

About The Author:

14560138_1189508384443859_5561114875507080440_oEva Pohler recently retired from a twenty-year position teaching writing and literature at a university in San Antonio, where she lives with her husband and three kids. Now a full-time writer, she’s the author of The Mystery Book Collection and three series for young adults: The Gatekeeper’s Saga, The Purgatorium Series, and The Vampires of Athens. Her books have been described as “thrilling” and “addictive.” A Kirkus reviewer said of The Gatekeeper’s Sons that it was “sure to thrill Hunger Games fans.”

A reader herself, Eva writes in multiple genres, but all of her stories blur the line between reality and fantasy, truth and delusion, and draw from Eva’s personal philosophy that a reader must be lured and abducted into complete captivity in order to enjoy the reading experience.

Find more information by checking out Eva’s website or following her on Twitter or Facebook

Author Interview: C.K. Brooke

Today, I’m fortunate to present C.K. Brooke, author of the Jordinia series with 48fourteen Publishing, and the American Pirate Romances with Limitless.

Hi, C.K., thanks for agreeing to this interview.

Thanks for having me! I loved meeting you at Rust City Book Con in Detroit this summer.

Question 1) What part of the world do you come from?

CKBrookeAuthorHeadshotI originally grew up in Maryland, but have spent the last ten years of my adult life in the Midwest. Washington, Michigan is my current home, but I can’t lie, my heart is still in my other former home of Toledo, Ohio!

Question 2) What do you think makes a good story?

A good story, in my opinion, isn’t one-note. It strikes lots of chords. I love stories that incorporate not just adventure and intrigue, or a mystery that keeps me turning the pages, but heart, humor, romance, interesting characters, and good pacing between it all!

Question 3) What inspired you to write your first book?

The-Duchess-Quest-Kindle-and-PrintMy debut novel, The Duchess Quest, was born of my fascination with Anastasia Romanov – the last Grand Duchess of Russia – and adventure romance stories like The Princess Bride. I thought, what if we could combine a lost duchess myth like Anastasia’s story with an adventure-quest between three men who couldn’t stand each other? I combined these ideas (and a few more) to create my first published novel.

Question 4) What is your work schedule like when you’re writing?

As a stay-at-home mom of a young child, I used to get all my writing done while he was napping or in bed for the night. Now, I try to write while he’s at school, or when my husband gets home from work to take over the parenting for a little while!

Question 5) What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?

I outline EVERYTHING! I leave nothing to chance or unaccounted for. I am extremely anal and detail-oriented about it; I have to have at least 20 pages of outline before beginning a new story, if not a notebook full drawings and notes. Other writers think I’m crazy, but I swear, it works like a charm to stave off writer’s block – or writing oneself into a corner.

Question 6) Give us the title and genre of your latest book.

Duchess3_Final_500x750My latest release was The Duchess’s Descendants via 48fourteen Publishing in June 2017. It’s the third full-length novel in my Jordinia series, and is an upper-YA romantic fantasy adventure like its predecessors. My next release will be out on 26 September 2017 and is a clean adult romance, Commanding His Heart, the second installment of my American Pirate Romance series with Limitless Publishing.

Question 7) What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your book?

Creating my first book was full of surprises. 164 rejection letters were VERY surprising. Having the tenacity to try a 165th time and receive my first offer letter from a publisher was an even bigger – and much more welcome – surprise. 😊

Question 8) Do you have an excerpt from your current work you’d like to share?
I’m currently working on the final book in the Jordinia series, The Emperor’s Daughters! Here’s an exclusive excerpt, just for you:

Gathering her nerve, Benedicta made up her mind, broke apart from the prime minister, and followed him. “Mr. Petigya?”

He didn’t turn.

“Mr. Petigya?” she repeated firmly.

He stopped.

There. That wasn’t so hard. Benedicta softened her tone. “I was wondering what I might do to help.”

At last, he turned to look at her—really look—and Benedicta felt her cheeks burn under his scrutiny, even beneath the cool shade of her parasol. When he spoke, his words were as flat as the Bainherd Plains.

“You can watch.”

Benedicta scrunched her brow. “But, there must be some mistake. I didn’t take the locomotive all the way down here just to sit and watch your crew work. I came here to be of service. Like you asked me.”

He lifted an eyebrow. “Like I asked you?”

“Why, yes. You came to Pierma, recruiting volunteers, and I…” She faltered, already feeling foolish in her prim clothing, under her lacy shade. Abruptly, she lowered the parasol and snapped it shut. The sun blared in her face, but at least she could look him in the eye now.

“Want to help, princess?” He sounded irritated. “Give out water.”

Her mouth hung agape as he stalked off again. “Isn’t there something I can build?” she asked after him.

“Nothing that won’t soil those fancy gloves of yours.”

She looked down at her hands and hastily yanked off her gloves. Stuffing them into her skirt pocket, she bounded after him.

“Water’s over there.” He bobbed his chin impatiently, indicating a few barrels resting under a cluster of palm trees. Drinking gourds and empty coconut shells littered the ground, some crawling with flies, all looking used and unwashed.

Benedicta frowned. “But—”

“That is helping.” He flashed her a sudden smile, yet it was obviously forced, for her sake. “Working men need hydration, no?”

Benedicta stared at him. He didn’t look away.

So, it would be like this, would it?

Stromberg was right. When Raul Petigya had asked for volunteers, he didn’t mean her. Why would it matter to this Heppestonian man who Benedicta was? Regardless of whatever Prime Minister’s Uxo believed, Halai had no real need for a Jordinian duchess. It needed able-bodied workers who could pull their weight. And what did Benedicta appear to be, other than a delicate young woman? It would always chalk down to her appearance, would it?

Not if Benedicta had anything to say about it.

She straightened to her full height, although she had nothing on the man in front of her. “Mr. Petigya, I may not seem strong or powerful, but I assure you, I can be.”

Though he remained stoic, a flit of curiosity darted in his eye.

“And anyway, you were the one who said there wasn’t a thing I could not learn,” she reminded him.

She thought he might smile, was almost sure she saw the beginnings of one. Alas, he offered no change in expression, only facing her off in the sand, waiting for her to finish.

Benedicta narrowed her eyes, all pretenses dropped. “Now, I’m going to rinse out those filthy gourds you call drinking cups, and give water to your crew. Excuse me.” She turned on her heel, heading for the barrels.

Question 9) What can we expect from you in the future?  

Expect the final Jordinia book, as well as an all-new upper-YA urban fantasy (with romance) in 2018!

Question 10) What was the best money you ever spent as a writer?

The best money I’ve ever spent as a writer has been registration to every book convention I’ve attended, as well as my RWA (Romance Writers of America) membership. The friends I’ve made and professionals I’ve networked with have been a priceless font of support, friendship, and resources.

Question 11) How can we contact you or find out more about your books?

If you’re reading this interview, I’d love to hear from you! There’s a contact form on my website,, and my email address is on there as well. You can find my books on Goodreads, Amazon, my website, and my publishers’ websites. Check out all my social media links below.

And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter at for freebies and fun!



Free eBook of The Last Empress: A Jordinia Prequel Novella at:

About the Author
C.K. Brooke is an Amazon bestselling, award-winning indie author of over a dozen romantic fantasy novels and novellas. Her books have been published by 48fourteen and Limitless Publishing, as well as self-published. Her debut novel, The Duchess Quest, was selected by Shelf Unbound Magazine as a Top 100 Notable Indie Book of 2015 and received five stars from Readers’ Favorite Book Reviews and Awards Contest. In 2017, her YA novel, Secrets of Artemis, received the Indie B.R.A.G. Medallion Award. More of her publications have been nominated in the 2017 RONE Awards and Global EBook Awards. She lives in Washington, Michigan with her husband and son. Visit and subscribe for a free eBook!


Books by C.K. Brooke

The Duchess Quest (48fourteen, 2014 and 2017)
The Duchess Inheritance (48fourteen, 2015)
The Duchess’s Descendants (48fourteen, 2017)
The Last Empress: A Jordinia Prequel Novella (2017)

The Red Pearl (48fourteen, 2015)
The Wrong Prince (48fourteen, 2016)

Capturing the Captain (Limitless, 2016)
Commanding His Heart (Limitless, TBR September 2017)

Secrets of Artemis (2015)

Fool Moon (2015)
Heiress Heist (2016)
The Golden Dove (2016)
Deepwood: A Haunting (2017)
Elphame Realms E-Zine #1 (Elphame Press, 2017)
Elphame Realms E-Zine #2: Something Witchy This Way Comes (Elphame Press, TBR October 2017)



The Duchess Quest: The Album
Audio CD

Enjoy a musical soundtrack to the story! Includes over 30 minutes of 14 original songs written, performed and produced by the author.

Full Audio CD on Amazon:

Listen on YouTube to 7 FREE tracks: